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What to keep in mind during the Packaging and Designing of a product?

Product packaging design is not a complex task, provided that some basic ground rules are followed. There are some basic principles which product designers have to keep in mind during the design phase. The main purpose of packaging is to protect the product inside it, but the packaging is often a potent advertisement of the product itself. We have to remember that consumers of today have a lot of choices and product packaging designs are all in a race to get the most bangs for their buck. Here are some things to remember while in Product Package Design.
- The Target Audience: If the packaging design is to be a success and work, it has to be in sync with the taste of your target audience, and for this, understanding the consumer market as well as the desired target audience.
- Design Inspiration: the product should be capable of influencing the design of the packages. The unique qualities of the product should reflect on the packaging as well. In order to have packaging that sells the product needs to be incorporated into the design.
- Practical Packaging: Both consumers as well as retailers have a problem with packaging that is unwieldy or cumbersome. The packaging needs to be fun, practical and easy to open and use. Sometimes, designers, in their rush for a good idea, do not put too much stress on this aspect but it is well worth considering.
- Understanding the Sales Plan: The strategy of the sales team has to be kept in mind by the developers and designers, because the packaging should not only positively influence the consumer, but the needs of retailers, distributor and sales channels.
- Green Packaging: Sustainable packaging and products are a hit with the consumers. The companies which use ‘Green ‘packaging can incorporate this to boost sales as well.
- Getting the Attention of the Customer: The designing on the package has to attract the attention of the customers who can be called the target audience, not only should the designs be spectacular, but also worthy for the sales channels like the retailers.
- Protecting the Product: A lot of products have to be protected from the sun, extreme cold and frost, rain and other natural phenomenon. A good packaging solution that stands the test of time is an indication of a packaging team getting its act together just right.
- Colors, Fonts and Languages: When choosing a color and a font, remember that it has to reflect the ethos and value of the company as well as be attractive for the users to buy. There’s a world of difference when the right words are used and so language also has to be considered.
iBrandox is a leading
packaging and designing company located in Gurgaon near Delhi. It has been in operation for a long time and hence, can tackle demanding contracts with ease. Consider giving them a chance to get your product off the blocks.
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