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Latest Trends in Android Mobile Application These Days!

Exponential growth in smart phones industry has created huge mobile application development industry. From Google to Walmart, Bank of America, Amazon and any other small or large business wants to register their presence on smart phones of the people. We at have come up with latest trends that are visible in
mobile applications development sector.
- Devices which can be worn: With inventions like smart watches by Apple and other competing brands, avenues for other such gadgets and accessories which can be worn by the people have been opened. Smart jewellery, smart glasses, health care sensors and other such sensors which can be fitted on the clothes or tied on the wrist, ankle, waist etc. can find its way in the market.
- With inventions like controlling security systems, air conditions and televisions with your smart phones, researchers are looking forward to connect several other house hold and office accessories through internet. It can include small things like LED bulb, oven, refrigerator, geyser etc.
- As per the latest surveys it is believed that in the coming span of five years credit and debit cards will be further replaced by mobile purchase. Google Wallet, Paytm, Freecharge and other such applications are gaining lot of popularity and it will dominate the transactions in future.
- Apps which enable to find the location of the person with high accuracy and also judge its motion from one place to another will also find lot of use in near future. While the former one can be easily used in games and geo tagging, later will find it use in security, anti theft movements and power saving.
- Intuitive designing and interactive user interface for better user experience is the most in trend in mobile app development. Better display and improvised ease and convenience for use is what everyone wants.
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