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Is Your eCommerce Website Profitable? Free Analysis If eCommerce Website Revamping/ Redesigning


There's more to making money in the burgeoning world of online retail than picking the right brand name; it all comes down to traffic. Put differently; if you want to make money from an online store, you need to attract customers and have them make purchases. In your role as a marketer for a specific business, you must consider the fundamentals of making money through online sales.

Your online store's sales and efficiency can both benefit from a revamp. Please find the warning flags that suggest it's time to modernize your web store. Many businesses benefit significantly from opening online shops, but their success is contingent on proper optimization.

Why you should Redesign your eCommerce Website?

1. Higher Rate of Rebounding
For various reasons, many online shoppers bounce around from one eCommerce site to another.

  • Dull items for sale on the webpage.
  • The webpage is not updated frequently.
  • You haven't updated your e-commerce site in a long time.
  • Don't offer as many deals on your products.
  • The website is not loading quickly enough.

Web pages may also be challenging to view on some devices because of the time it takes to load. To address all these issues and make the website more responsive and functional, redesigning websites in India is necessary.

2. Huge Decline In Sales
Even during your busiest season, your eCommerce site may be losing sales owing to the quality of your products and services. The first thing you should think about doing is Revamping the website.

One possible explanation for the dismal sales is a combination of a poorly designed user interface and a muddled customer journey map (CJM).

Customers are more likely to use your website marketing services if they have an easier time navigating your eCommerce website after it has been redesigned.

3. Poor performance in SEO
Your efforts have been fruitless if your website or its content is not conducive to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies. You may know that a site's position in the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) is crucial to attracting natural visitors. But you don't know that if your website or its content lacks good SEO tactics, your website might not acquire any form of rankings on the SERPs.

In addition, your company's digital marketing efforts will be overlooked if your website has not been updated to conform to Google's SEO requirements and receive prominent placement in the search engine results pages (SERPs). Regarding search engine optimization (SEO), each online store provides a unique experience for the customers who frequent their site. Fixing that problem and expanding your online presence with an eCommerce website overhaul is possible.

4. Mobile-Friendliness
If you operate an online store and your site isn't optimized for mobile devices, you're leaving money on the table by ignoring a huge portion of potential customers. You need to rebuild your eCommerce site with the help of redesigning services in India to make it mobile-friendly, compatible with mobile devices, and user-friendly. If an eCommerce site is optimized and redesigned for mobile devices, it will reduce the requirement for a separate mobile web app.

Moreover, as Google has stated, the goal is to optimize the web for mobile use. They have begun using mobile-first indexing to improve their search engine results page rankings. E-commerce site redesigns in this way encourage mobile optimization and mobile friendliness.

5. Outdated Designs and Technology
Low conversion rates can be expected even with large volumes of visitors to an eCommerce site that is not mobile-friendly. The only way to solve this problem is to revamp your eCommerce site by revamping services in India to be mobile-friendly.

Without responsiveness and other modern features, your online business would suffer in the ways listed below if you still use a non-responsive website design.

  • Lower eCommerce sales.
  • Disrupt buyers' experiences
  • Incompatibility with modern plugins
  • Content marketing strategy

To increase revenue in online stores, you need a content marketing plan that works. All pages of a high-quality eCommerce site should provide informative text, images, and videos that pertain to the product or service being sold. Your eCommerce website content should not be a spur-of-the-moment decision. Expert content marketers should arrange every aspect of your eCommerce website's content. It's common for the scope of content marketing to exceed initial expectations. Web design also plays a vital role in creating potent and compelling content that promotes conversion and produces leads.

6. Low rate of conversion
Low conversion rates can be expected even with large volumes of visitors to an eCommerce site that is not mobile-friendly. The only way to solve this problem is to revamp your eCommerce site to be mobile-friendly.

Without responsiveness and other modern features, your online business would suffer in the ways listed below if you still use a non-responsive website design.

  • Stop making sales on your eCommerce site
  • Make your buyers' lives difficult.
  • Doesn't meet the needs of modern plugins
  • Content marketing strategy

To increase revenue in online stores, you need a content marketing plan that works. All pages of a high-quality eCommerce site should provide informative text, images, and videos that pertain to the product or service being sold. Your eCommerce site's content shouldn't be something people share on a whim. Expert content marketers should plan the material for your eCommerce website.

Web design also plays a significant role in creating compelling content that drives conversion and generates leads, proving once again that the scope of content marketing is frequently far more comprehensive than initially assumed.

7. The Loading Time

Expecting a website to load quickly across all devices and connection types is a crucial challenge for online retailers. When a website takes an excessive amount of time to load, users will abandon it. When deciding whether or not a website needs a redesign, loading times are crucial. According to another Google study, your website's bounce rate directly correlates to how long it takes to load.

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by the prospect of redesigning an eCommerce website. Keeping the following in mind will help the process go more quickly and guarantee that your new website follows current standards.

What goes into designing a website?

Web design includes graphic design, user experience design, interface design, SEO, and content generation. These characteristics affect how a website looks, behaves, and functions on different screen sizes.

How long does it take to redo a website?
Website redesigns might take 45 to 90 days, depending on the project scale and requirements. It's natural if the idea of redesigning your website scares you.


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