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Looking for e-Commerce Website Development on Magento?

Since its release in 2007, the PHP-based
Magento web development has become one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world. Recent market research shows that almost 30 percent of the leading e-commerce websites use Magento as their platform. There are two main versions available, Community Edition and Magento Enterprise Edition which the users can choose based on their requirements. This significant popularity is because of the multiple advantages that come with Magento. Here are some of the benefits of using Magento as the
eCommerce platform for a website.
- Many Features- Magneto is packed with features. It has various functions like multi-layered navigation, wish list, advanced search, favorites list, comparisons, list of emails, product grouped, and content management for both SEO and static pages as well as SEO performance. These features help to build the foundation of a good user experience and the satisfaction of customers.
- Mobile and Other Device Friendly- websites that are developed with Magento are highly responsive which allows a user to view the site on devices like smartphones and tablets. This means the site has a bigger reach among a large number of people.
- Developer Friendly- the online business field is very dynamic in nature and websites need to stay updated. As Magento is an open-source platform, developers can easily update content and add modifications/ plug-ins.
- Magento websites do not face any problems with search engine optimizations as it is very flexible and comes with various tools for SEO efficiency.
- A Magento e-commerce website can widen its scope by integrating third-party functions like Google tools, PayPal, etc.
iBrandox is a high refute in terms of
Magento e-commerce development company. We develop the best of all eCommerce portals on the Magento framework as per your requirements.
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