Digital Marketers all over the world, irrespective of their niche, firm, or locale have been sighted at returning to the basics. i.e. content marketing. It has become apparent that content marketing, idea exchange, and thought transactions are the way to go in the foreseeable future.
Nowadays, every company with a digital foothold is allocating more and more resources towards content marketing. However, exact Return on Investment (ROI) analysis, calculation, and even generation is still elusive or not quite up to the target expectations. This has left many market researchers scratching their heads.
The iBrandox team has found out that the main reasons why ROI misses the bulls-eye could be attributed to the following reasons:- Miscalculation of pre-analysis leads to eventual irrelevant data creation.
- Their analysis and data are not in sync with the requirements of the stakeholders, resulting in the final result and them missing the targets.
Let us have a look at a few of the ways through which
SEO Marketing Companies can increase their chances of generating a higher ROI.
Truly measurable content usually applies to Ad campaigns
PPCs and
SMO posts as they operate on a CPC (cost per click) and PPC (pay per click) techniques meaning a direct measure of the content and how many clicks it generates and how much revenue as a result generated can be calculated in straight away.
For guest posts and
B2Bs, these filters can’t measure them directly and hence these types of content are usually categorized for long-term generations.